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Tips For LinkedIn Profile Optimisation to Secure a Job/Internship!

Tips For LinkedIn Profile Optimisation to Secure a Job/Internship!
Tips For LinkedIn Profile Optimisation to Secure a Job/Internship!
How to optimize your profile if you want to find a job/internship through LinkedIn? Do you want to become a Growth Hacker? Corporate Lawyer? IPR Lawyer? Software Developer?

Tips For LinkedIn Profile Optimisation to Secure a Job/Internship!

LinkedIn is an extremely powerful tool for anyone looking to springboard their career

Whether you’re looking for an awesome new job, more clients or just to build a powerful network – LinkedIn is where you want to be

How to optimize your profile if you want to find a job/internship through LinkedIn?

Work Profile?

Identify who you are and what do you want to become. So if you are a student/fresher, what are your dreams? Do you want to become a Growth Hacker? Corporate Lawyer? IPR Lawyer? Software Developer? You need to be very careful with the answer. You can only have one answer.

Where do you want to work?

Identify 5-7 of your dream companies, firms, chambers, NGOs, etc., Where you want to work/intern. Be very specific in choosing this list. You can’t be vague by saying I want to work for a company that develops Saas Products or you can’t be vague like I want to work at a Tier-2 law firm. You need to identify exactly which companies or which law firms you want to work at.

Relevant Connections!

Please understand that LinkedIn is not a Facebook where you can add friends, relatives, and family members. Add people from your profession and your dream companies to your profile. Those people can get you an interview in your dream firms and companies.

EX: HR Executives from the companies, senior people from those companies and firms.

Profile Checklist

Profile Checklist
Profile Checklist

Add all the relevant keywords in your profile for which you want to be found out by the employer. Eg: Corporate Lawyer, Software Developer, Growth Hacker, Medical Content Writer, etc.

Add your email id in the contact section. At one click the recruiters should be able to approach you.

Add the relevant skills, publications, awards, past experiences that showcase your talent in the area of your interest.

Your ABOUT Section is the most relevant area on your profile. Update it with two things. What have you achieved and what are you looking for. Do not add random & family words in this section.

How to do LinkedIn properly

LinkedIn is such a powerful tool for your career. But it takes some effort to get it right. Here are 5 steps to take that’ll push you in the right direction.

5 steps that will help you take LinkedIn by storm

1. Clearly define your offering

Clearly define your offering
Clearly define your offering

Your headline should communicate who you are and what you do in as few words as possible. People need to understand. what you’re about within a few seconds of landing on your profile.

2. Make some connections

Make some connections
Make some connections

Reach out to people in two different spaces. First, connect with some peers in your industry. Then make it your focus to connect with some (relevant!) people in the space that you’re seeking employment/clients.

3. Start sharing!

Tips For LinkedIn Profile Optimisation to Secure a Job/Internship!
Start sharing!

And don’t forget the 80/20 rule. 80% of what you share should be value-driven and only 20% should be focused on sales or directly promoting yourself.

4. Focus on conversations

Focus on conversations
Focus on conversations

Make it your priority to start and contribute to conversations happening within your industry. Getting involved will show people you’re active in your niche!

5. Be authentic

Be authentic
Be authentic

Don’t forget that there are people on the other side of your screen. Your posts should feel human, not corporate.

Avoid These LinkedIn Photo Types

  • Selfies
  • Wearing your cap and gown
  • No photo at all!!
  • Looking away from the camera
  • You on a night out

Why LinkedIn?

  • 740 Million Users
  • Goldmine for B2B leads.
  • Access to decisionmakers of any company
  • Get Leads with out paid ads
  • Organic Reach is very high
  • Use LinkedIn as your Virtual Resume
  • No 1 Professional Platform


In this post, we have seen Tips For LinkedIn Profile Optimisation to Secure a Job/Internship!. If you like this, share this with your friends and follow the PublishSquare blog.

Further reading

Is LinkedIn Still The Best Way To Find A Job?

How to approach someone on LinkedIn Effectively?


About the author


I am Javith, a Content Writer and Marketer based in India.

I'm extremely good at one thing. And that's helping SaaS companies and small to large-sized businesses rank for their target keywords. I am highly skilled in SEO, copywriting, content marketing, and social media marketing.