PSP is by far one of the greatest vintage handhelds available. But it’s growing old, so it’s about the period a PSP idea surfaced.
Over the last year, the notch has been at the vanguard of innovative technology. With the iPhone and a slew of other devices adopting it.
However, an idea of a completely new PSP we can see, and it, too, makes use of the notch, but in a far more stunning way.
An artisan called Yonghwan Kim has designed the PSP concept using high-quality illustration programs. At first, we found it was so over the head. But the further we seemed at it, the more we began a relationship with this concept.
One could almost argue it appears similar to a Nintendo Switch Mini. Given brilliant colors but the PSP idea has a number of characteristics that we truly enjoy. We only hope Sony would return back in a sleek design similar to this.
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Straight from the rear, it appears to be ergonomically sustainable, with curved edges, rubberized shoulder buttons. Also elevated flexible analog sticks, making the PSP design appear to be a joy to play on.
The big 16:10 4K screen curls around as the curve of the portable and snuggles up to the controls.
The controls are gently on the surface of the portable, producing some tension. But this demonstrates the technology and adaptability underlying this PSP concept.
We’ll concede that the buttons appear to be a bit too near to the screen. A small mistress and you’ll be touching the screen, which might cause all sorts of issues while playing these games on a touchscreen handheld console.
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Underneath the screen, more toward the bottom, you’ll see two extremely massive speakers. Given that this is a 2020 design and audio is a big deal in the current games. We anticipate these two gentlemen to pack a significant punch.
The inventor included such huge speakers because he intended to keep the system pretty thin. Roughly the same depth as a Bittboy Pocket Go. Enabling him to add enormous speakers while also making it pleasant to carry and travel.
If you look really closely at the above image, you can notice that the D-PAD. Controls will have a little concave, which enables for faster reaction and begin to play for longer lengths of time.
We’ve rarely seen this in a portable device before, where the controllers physically sink into the console; it’s a fantastic addition to the PSP idea, and Kim thought it through well.
Volume controls and a USB-C connector are seen on the top of the PSP prototype portable, which we find peculiar. You would have liked to see this on the base, allowing for connecting attachments and other features, but we suppose you can dock it… inverted?
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The rear is matte black, with a contemporary PSP logo. What seems to be a disc slot for your favorite PSP games. We’re quite not clear why they didn’t go along with steel as the Metal Gameboy did, but the flat black plastics look great!
We’d want to see it being able to dock So you can play the newest Game consoles in normal mode or dock mode. Consider that, getting to play Elite League or Horizon Zero Dawn on this stuff?
Just considering that gives us Butterflies! And certainly with a new Vita will come numerous, many old games, and no question somebody out there will hackers to access this gadget too.
We’re incredibly delighted to see these images and ponder the potential of a new PSP.
With the release of the PS5, it’s probable that if the idea is real. It’ll be synchronized with your system and play several of your favorite PS5 games while on the road.
Could not only read alerts, download stuff, and watch TV. But you could also use this PSP prototype as an iPad that synchronizes with your PlayStation. Why not modify it to match your finest PS5 screens so they match?
More photos of the PSP idea are available below for your viewing pleasure.