You must visit your profile and touch on one of your highlighted collections in order to see who has visited your featured collections on Facebook.
By selecting the arrow symbol next to one of your highlighted collections once you’ve selected it, you can see how many people have viewed it.
There will be two categories, “Viewers” and “Others”, among others.
Facebook pals who visit your collection are “viewers”.
On the other side, “Others” are Facebook users who saw your collection but are not friends with you.
Unfortunately, if you are not friends with someone on Facebook, you won’t be able to identify the individual person who visited your collection.
1. Log onto Facebook and click on your profile photo to Facebook Featured Collections.

You need to visit your Facebook Featured Collections.
Open the Facebook app on your phone and, if you haven’t done so before, log in.
Facebook’s PC version is also accessible.
Your profile picture will appear next to the “What’s on your mind?” text box once you log into Facebook.
The “What’s on your mind?” text box next to your profile photo should be touched.
To access your Facebook Featured Collections, click the menu symbol in the bottom navigation bar and select “See your profile.”
2. Check out one of your Facebook Featured Collections

You will arrive at your Facebook profile after tapping on your profile image.
You may view the details of your profile on it.
This information includes your name, your place of residence, and more.
Till you reach your collections, scroll down.
You must now click on the highlighted collection whose viewers’ numbers you are interested in.
For instance, touch on “Bitmoji” to see who has viewed the “Bitmoji” Facebook Featured Collections.
On the other side, press “Fox Cute” to find out who watched the “Fox Cute” Facebook Featured Collections.
3. Click the arrow symbol in Facebook Featured Collections.

The collection will expand to full screen once you’ve clicked on it and selected the collection you wish to know the viewers of.
You can check how many people have viewed your collection in the lower left corner of your Facebook Featured Collections.
Only a few names are displayed, though.
You must touch on the arrow symbol in order to see the whole list of viewers.
4. Check your viewers for Facebook Featured Collections

The “Insights” page will appear once you’ve clicked the arrow icon.
You may see a list of the Facebook friends who have visited your collection on the page.
They will all be able to see each other’s names and profile photographs.
To see each and every one of your viewers, scroll down the list.
5. Verify your additional visitors

You could find a “Others” category towards the bottom of the page if you scroll down.
To find out more, tap on “Others.”
In a nutshell, “Others” refers to Facebook views from users who are not your friends.
On the other hand, “Viewers” refers to views from Facebook friends of yours.
On Facebook, the opinions of users who are not your friends are anonymous.
Unfortunately, unless you are friends with them on Facebook, it is impossible to see the names of other viewers.
Facebook keeps them anonymous, which explains why.
You may see the total number of additional viewers, for example, Others • 7.
“7” means that 7 Facebook users who are not your friends have visited your collection.
You’ve mastered the art of discovering who saw your Facebook-highlighted collections!
What on Facebook Featured Collections?
Similar to Instagram highlights, a highlighted collection is also referred to as a featured area.
You may upload a selection of publically viewable images or videos to your Facebook profile.
A picture or video that you take out of your highlighted collection won’t be forever gone.
Instead, it’s available where you made your first selection.
Remember that anybody may see the featured photographs because they are public.
On Facebook, are you able to see who has seen your Facebook Featured Collections?
Yes, you may view the Facebook users who have viewed your highlighted collection.
The only condition is that they must be Facebook friends of yours in order for you to know who visited your collection.
They will be as “Other viewers” rather than “Viewers” if they are not your Facebook friends.
Only the total number of “Other viewers” is seen.
Knowing who looked at your Facebook highlighted collections is useful.
You will be aware of your friends’ Facebook activity in this manner.
You may always remove any content you’ve added to a featured collection of images or videos.
However, the whole collection in your highlighted area may potentially.