Home » 220+ Creative Discord Server Role Names
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220+ Creative Discord Server Role Names

Discord Server Role Names, Firstly, you must establish roles for your Discord server Role Names if you own one.

Then, roles enable you to structure your server based on authority.

For example, if you have employees, you may establish a “Mod” job.

If you have a co-owner, you may also establish a “Co-Owner” job.

Secondly, members of your Discord Server Role Names will have the “@everyone” role by default.

The “@everyone” role offers conventional rights such as browsing channels, sending messages, and generating invitations.

You may, however, alter the role to enable or prohibit specific rights.

Then this page offers a collection of 230 decent, attractive, and easy Discord server role names and role concepts.

What do Discord Server Role Names mean?

Moreover, roles allow you to manage and adjust the permissions of your server members.

If you have staff members, for example, you may create a “Admin” and a “Mod” position.

In addition, each role’s permissions can be customized.

An “Admin” job often has greater permissions than a “Mod” role.

After that, you can provide the “Mod” position the ability to kick members.

However, provide the “Admin” position the ability to kick and prohibit members.

You may also activate many more rights, such as accessing server analytics and handling webhooks.

After then, creating a role, you must manually assign members to it.

How do I add Discord color roles?

Similarly, to create colour roles on Discord, first go to your server settings.

Once you’re in your server settings, go to “Roles” and choose the role you wish to change.

However, there is a “Role Color” section on the “Display” tab.

In addition, select the color you wish to add to the role in the “Role Color” box.

Finally, click “Save changes” to commit your modifications.

In addition, if a person holds the “Mod” position and the role colour is green, the colour of their name will be green as well.

To put it another way, the colour of a member’s name corresponds to the colour of their function.

Discord Server Role Names for you

Discord Server Role Names
  1. Trusted
  2. Bookworms
  3. Honey
  4. Trainee
  5. Friends
  6. Rose Pink
  7. American Rose
  8. Poppy
  9. Orchid
  10. Dahlia
  11. Rose Red
  12. Hydrangea
  13. Sweat Pea
  14. Peony
  15. Duron Dahlia
  16. Lilac
  17. Florist
  18. Millionaire
  19. DMs Open
  20. DMs Closed
  21. Stars
  22. Moons
  23. Founder
  24. Co-Founder
  25. Light Coral
  26. Salmon
  27. Dark Salmon
  28. Light Salmon
  29. Crimson
  30. Dark Red
  31. Pink
  32. Ligh Pink
  33. Hot Pink
  34. Deep Pink
  35. Lavender
  36. Violet
  37. Game Night
  38. Movie Night
  39. Oceania
  40. North America
  41. South America
  42. Europe
  43. Asia
  44. Australia
  45. Africa
  46. Server Booster
  47. Active Customers
  48. Trusted Customers
  49. Appreciated Customers
  50. Lovely Customers
  51. Special Customers
  52. GMT
  53. PST
  54. CST
  55. MST
  56. AST
  57. EST
  58. Executive Chef
  59. Head Chef
  60. Deputy Chef
  61. Station Chef
  62. Junior Chef
  63. Kitchen Porter
  64. Purchasing Manager
  65. Junior
  66. Senior
  67. CEO
  68. COO
  69. CFO
  70. CTO
  71. President
  72. Vice President
  73. Director
  74. Freelancers
  75. Accountant
  76. Ancient
  77. Honorable
  78. Rising Star
  79. Storyteller
  80. Expert
  81. Valuable
  82. Centurions
  83. Aquilifer
  84. Signifer
  85. Tesserarius
  86. Immunes
  87. Discens
  88. Generals
  89. Commanders
  90. Chi
  91. Earl
  92. Countess
  93. Baron
  94. Baroness
  95. Coding
  96. Studying
  97. Singing
  98. Dancing
  99. Cooking
  100. Ambivert
  101. Introvert
  102. Extrovert
  103. Crew
  104. Active Crew
  105. Special Crew
  106. Crew Master
  107. Archaeologist
  108. Navigator
  109. Dough maker
  110. Bakery clerk
  111. Cashier
  112. Fryer
  113. Baskery Assistant
  114. Chocolatier
  115. Cake decorator
  116. Pastry Cook
  117. Bakery Manager
  118. Candy Maker
  119. Cookie Icer
  120. Bagel Maker
  121. Pie Maker
  122. Mentors
  123. Mentees
  124. Hellhound
  125. Reaper
  126. Harvester
  127. Notable VIP
  128. Boosted VIP
  129. Coordinator
  130. Giveaway Winner
  131. Super Active
  132. Owner
  133. Co-Owner
  134. Head Admin
  135. Admin
  136. Head Mod
  137. Mod
  138. Assistant Mod
  139. Helper
  140. Staff
  141. VIP
  142. MVP
  143. Male
  144. Female
  145. Knight
  146. Eternal
  147. Immortal
  148. Lord
  149. Duke
  150. Duchess
  151. Titan
  152. Ultra
  153. Hero
  154. Premium
  155. Enhanced
  156. Paladin
  157. Legend
  158. Princess
  159. Prince
  160. King
  161. Queen
  162. Elite
  163. Overlord
  164. Angel
  165. Demon
  166. Master
  167. Mythic
  168. Wood
  169. Iron
  170. Bronze
  171. Silver
  172. Gold
  173. Platinum
  174. Diamond
  175. Radiant
  176. Guardian
  177. Primal
  178. Master
  179. Captain
  180. First Mate
  181. Quartermaster
  182. Sailing Master
  183. Gunner
  184. Powder Monkey
  185. Boatswain
  186. Surgeons
  187. Cooks
  188. Housemen
  189. Rustic Warrior
  190. Bannermen
  191. Verified
  192. Unverified
  193. Viewer
  194. Active Viewer
  195. Good Viewer
  196. Ace Viewer
  197. YouTuber
  198. Streamer
  199. Gamer
  200. Pro Gamer
  201. Epic Gamer
  202. Legendary Gamer
  203. Guest
  204. Subscriber
  205. Developers
  206. Partners
  207. Voter
  208. Patreons
  209. Support
  210. Muted
  211. Veteran
  212. Trial Mod
  213. Suspended
  214. Community Helper
  215. Former Staff
  216. Enemy
  217. Ranged
  218. Mage
  219. Wizard
  220. Human
  221. Secretary
  222. Newcomer
  223. Artist
  224. Manager
  225. Giveaway Host
  226. Customer
  227. Vampire
  228. Sweetheart
  229. Cutie
  230. Lovely


It is critical to add responsibilities to your Discord server since it establishes a hierarchy.

The “Owner,” “Co-Owner,” and “Admin” jobs, for example, are at the top of the hierarchy.

The “@everyone” job, on the other hand, is at the bottom of the hierarchy.

Adding roles will also help to structure your Discord server.

Also, no one will be able to discern who is a staff member if everyone has the “@everyone” position.

As a result, your Discord server will be chaotic.

However. exactly do you find any Discord server roles in the list that you liked?

Once you did, please add them to your server.

About the author


A passionate writer and a social activist. she writes on various niches in an SEO-optimizing manner.