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How to know if you’ve been muted on Instagram

Muted on instagram

Do you have the gut feeling that somebody has muted your Instagram account? Do you want to try and find out who?

Well getting muted is no fun, especially if you’re a business owner on Instagram or an admin. Getting muted has a substantial impact on your engagement.

When more and more of your followers mute your account, the engagement level of your account goes crashing down. And as an account holder, this is something you need to avoid at any cost.

There is no way to know for sure that you’ve been muted, as Instagram doesn’t notify you. However, there are a few other ways in which we might find out.

Muting someone is the virtual version of exiting a conversation that is seen as uneventful or boring. The clear sign that you’re muted is if a user suddenly ceases to like or comment on your posts.

Ways to find out if you are muted

  1. One way to make sure your hunch is right (hopefully wrong) is to see if they are liking and commenting on other psots.

    If the user was an avid follower and active with your posts and stops enaging with them out of nowhere that might mean you have been muted by them.
  2. Another vivid proof that you’ve been muted by someone is when they no longer come under you Instagram stories’ view list.

    When someone has been a regular viewer of your stories but hasn’t been seen on the viewer’s list on your story then it can mean that they have muted you. And this also means they no longer view stories or engage with posts made by you.
  3. To make sure you will need to post a story on your close friends list. But for this you must have a particular person in mind. This is the person you’re suspecting has muted you.

    You need to clear the list of all your existing close frindes and only keep that one specific person. Once you have only that user on your close friends list, post a picyire on close friends.

    Now just wait for a couple of hours and check if they have viewed the story you posted. It is always better to post more than one close friends story. This increases the chances of them viewing your story. If they still haven’t viewed then you are probably muted by them.
  4. There are certain third party apps that are developed for this purpose. You can download them to find out who exactly has muted you.

Apps and website that determine if you’re muted on Instagram

One such website available to use is Hypeauditor. Hypeauditor allows users to pick out fake followers and also keep track of engagement rate for their posts.

There is also another one you can download called Instagram analytics, but for this one you’ll be required to pay. Once you pay you can see which of your followers have muted you. And not just that but it analysis many such areas to build up your Instgarm business.

Further reading

How to download private Vimeo videos

How to create a Gmail signature

About the author


An intern at PublishSquare, Farah is currently pursuing her undergrad in Sociology. She has written multiple blogs on topics ranging from academics to social media. When she isn't writing she can be found gobbling brownies and watching Netflix.